Sunday, April 26, 2009

This would be really great if you could actually see the Moon and the Bats. On the left of the tree right by the branch that looks like a ledge you might be able to see the moon. The bats are evident in the light. But can you beat this sun set? It is one of the best with the moon I have ever seen. To bad I wasn't able to share it with my Honey. I will though when I get back. Hope you enjoy and I hope you don't get sea sick as I meander around tracing the bats.

If you have been following my blog about packages to send here is one thing I thought of CHIPS! Any kind of chips we have some cheese dip and some salsa but nothing to put in them.

Thanks again.


Ande said...

What kind of chips do you like? Anything? I'll have to get your address from Jen.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could get ahold of some corn meal and make your own. I wish I could afford to send you guys everything you need. Til then , I am sending only good thought your way and will keep up with your blog and try to support you here.
I have read and can't fine where you are generally or why you are there?

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you, we'll try and send goodies out this week, like the person said, why don't you get some corn meal and make your own chips, they would probably be fresher than the stor bought ones.
I'd like to send some ice cream, but I don't think it would make it unless we dehydrate it prior to sending.
Is that Ande's new baby???
We'll talk later