I wasn't sure about going out but I didn't want the Col. to be all by himself with a bunch of Army guys. They are really cool by the way, they are from Guam. I wanted to see the outside but didn't want to deal with the body armor and gun and helmet etc. etc etc. Here are some of the pics I took from the country side. There is some really neat places and some not so neat. I think I found a spot for my retirement home, don't tell Jen, but that is my surprise. And it only cost 50,000P! About $20 American!

This is us heading out we are delivering supplies to the outlying camps.
I actually made a Friend while I was here, yes believe it or not. This little guy was tethered to a little hut. He could jump around a bit but was limited on where he could go. I gave him some of those wheat sesame chips from the Costco brand rice cracker medley, he took them right out of my hand. As we were driving away from this camp I saw another one on the side of the road he was much bigger than this one.

This huge tree was so big beautiful I couldn't not show it to the world. I had to take two pics of it!

Here is a little vid of our trip.
Here are some of the local kids that rushed out to see the convoy and laugh and wave.

By the way just kidding on the $20 US. It's slightly higher (but not much).
Thanks for the photos. Good for you to get out and do something different. Keep your head down and your chin up!!
Hey guy, your relief supplies are on their way. Two days already.
Your retire there, maybe we'll join you, I could do with shower clogs, shorts and tee shirts year 'round. I don't know if Jen would go for that though, No local Targets around and probably not an Wall Marts either, and most of all NO Cold Stones.
Nice to see pics of the surrounding area there.
Look at those children.
I think they are just too cute..
Are you sure you cant bring me home a sweet baby girl with big brown eyes.
I am so proud of every thing you are doing. I am sure this is the reason for your deployment. To have your heart blessed with the opportunity to serve these beautiful people.
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