Would you believe for some reason my computer is not downloading the pics I don't know what the deal is. Any way I just got back from the local Phil hospital. There seems to have been an altercation of sorts. We had to fix up some of the guys and ship one out. Not a fun night, besides the fact that the hospital doesn't have A/C. I sweat my bald head off out there (keep on track with me).
So any how here is the bounteous gifts from the old country a bunch of snacks. MMM yum yum.
Thanks mom and dad. I got the packs in 7 days why does it take 3 more days to get here from AK?
So I was at the latrine again with my camera (keep with me here guys) and found this huge bug. It looks like the beetle from A Bugs Life, so I took some pics and asked for its autograph. He gladly signed and went on his marry way.
Come to find out it really wasn't him in the first place and I soon found out from some freinds who laughed at my expence told me that the beetle from the movie is actually in Europe on vaction. Now I have a worthless pic of some beetle I don't even know.
I enjoy the sun but not the heat that goes with it. I took Jen out in the back yard with me the other day and talked to here via Skype. It was nice but I sweat in 65 degree weather.
So any one else want to join me on Skype look me up when you get downloaded. Then give me a holla.
Could it be that you are accross the Pacific ocean from Alaska! Dah!!!
Glad you got them, hopefully they wer'nt smashed up to bad.
That bug is yuckie..
Yeah, I am still planning on going to see Jen as long as nothing big happens. Hopefully I will get to send your package this next week, have had a hectic couple of days, you'll have to read to blog to know why:) What is your fav candy?
Glad you got some goodies....are the rest of the guys getting stuff too?
DALE!!!!! I told Jen about Skype before you left. James and I use it while he is away on business as well. I love it!!! What's your user ID? I'd love to have a short chat with you! I'll try to find you and if I can't I'll look at what my user ID is and let you know! Hugs!! Sus
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