Sunday, May 31, 2009
My Trip to The Other Side of the Island
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Just The Guys
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hurray I've Got Chips
Monday, May 25, 2009
Grease Monkey
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rain Storm
Thursday, May 21, 2009
You Don't See This Every Day
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Where's The Beef
I found the beef it is here on our camp! Not...these are the cows that have access to the whole camp. they eat anywhere. I don't know what they are going to do with them since they don't have very much meat on them and they are not milking cows.
So we were walking down to the Trauma center for the rededication (2nd anniversary) ceremony when we ran into the cows. We were supposed to do as many walk in minor procedures as we could. We walked in to the Trauma Center the Phils had already started doing a couple circumcisions and a mole removal. We hung out there for a while (no pun intended) then the surgeon and I were able to do a breast biopsy. It was still kind of weird doing the surgery in their facility, after the last case (appendectomy) and the lack of sterile technique, but we managed.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wouldn't This Be Nice
Although it was raining it was still hot and humid!
We took a trip to the next camp over and did a clinic for the populace that has cleft lips and cleft pallets. Seven showed up and we needed 30 we will do another before the doctors that will preform the corrective surgery show up in July. Some of them were very bad and had bilateral clefts on their lips. I didn't want to take pics as everyone else was and though that I would spare them the agony. Hopefully we will be able to get them fixed up.
The surgeon and I were able to do a little lipoma removal too. This is what we removed from the back of some guys neck.
So this is me under a coconut tree. We also brought some home to eat, but don't know how to get in to them. We will figure it out soon.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Say hello To My Little Friend
I found this little guy when I moved one of the boxes in the ER. He fell off the box on to the exam table and couldn't jump down from there.
Hope I don't get warts.
I released him in the ER, there are too many predators out there that would eat him in a second. I hope he doesn't crawl across someones face as they sleep. There are probably worse things that crawl on us as we sleep.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Gecko Peeping Toms and Master Results
I also have been waiting to hear if I made Master Sgt. The result is in and no I did not. This is the answer Jen and I have been waiting for. I will finish my masters degree in management and retire. So in reality I will have master one way or another. My goal was to finish twenty years in the military and I am just about done with that one. Many of you may not have known but I went to basic training the day after Jens birthday so her birthday was a celebration of my nineteenth anniversary this year in the AF. And Jen will be twenty as well for all you wise acres. Less than a year until I can retire now. This is getting very exciting to say the least. I still feel/act like a kid. The only thing that gives away my age is the top of my head. Where has all the time/hair gone. Can anyone tell me?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thank YOU!
Thank you again!
Monday, May 11, 2009
About That Time...
I have a lot of exciting things going on in the near future. I can hardly wait. I look forward to returning to my family from the PI and spending lost time with them, then I will get in to all these future endeavors that I am planning.
One thing that I have always wanted to do is write a book. You may have noticed that I do a fair job on this blog. But I am currently in the final stages of a children's bed time story. I can't wait till it is done and out on the streets. You will have to look for it on Rochelle is doing the art work for the book. She is very good at that. In fact she sketched the B&B as it would have looked when completed on a poster board when I presented my idea to the top dog at Alaska USA. He basically said come back when you have grown up. The proposed B&B is at the foot of the mountain that you see in the picture it is called Lazy Mountain. You can go back in the history of this blog and see all the fun I had when that was going on in my life. I believe March time frame of 08.
That in a nut shell is why my blog is named INN The Wilderness.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Have You Ever...
This is a pretty cool bucket of cookies. I picked up at the commissary they usually don't have much but they do have a lot of booze. They had four pallets as tall as me of Rum and another hard liquor. The bottles cost about 60P and the same size radiated milk costs about 200P go figure. The cookies are OK but a little stale. Don't know how long they have been there. Talk to ya later.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thanks For Your Support
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Would You Believe?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Couple Little Friends
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sea Shells By the Sea Shore or Something Like That
Pics of Me and My Honey