I have my everlasting love now and Sherry...I mean Jennifer is her name! Ha Ha just a joke don't get all bent out of shape.
Cause here is my love right on TARGET!! She flusters me so; I get weak in the knees.

So you may know that TARGET is opening on Sunday...how are we going to get out of the house without the kids knowing we went to the Grand Opening. So we came up with an emergency room visit to get retail shopping therapy! I'll need to rush her in right away; she has been in withdrawal for 2.5 years. This is just what the Doctor ordered.
What I need to know is the things they currently have so we can have a heads up on what to buy. No toilet paper or razor comments. thanks.
Their $ section always has some cute scrapbooking supplies and their shoes are sooo- cute. I think there are so many different things she is going to go into overload. Now they just need a Ross and Jen will be in Heaven!!! :)
You and Jen make such a fun couple!
hey, Kim told me to tell you that the Stubberts here, he looks into properties to invest and she didn't know if you wanted to contact him about investing in the Inn.
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